Life = Attention + Energy / Time

2 min readFeb 27, 2022

The untold stories, the never completely invented products, the “could’ve been but didn’t happen” Nobel Prize winning ideas are all just floating around us. I’m sure you have a few laying somewhere in the idea graveyard just haunting us with unrealized possibility.

In today's world of instant everything it can feel all but impossible to work on something for years. To put in day after day after month after year just to let the concept come to fruition but thats truly what it takes for anything to become a reality. Be your next big startup or getting in the best shape of your life it all takes your focused attention and energy over a long period of time. The was built this way. Someone had an idea, they focused all their attention and energy on it (and maybe got others to do the same) then over enough time the end result was physically here.

This is the Law of Attraction in Action.

Our boy Shia doing Shia things

The Automobile, The TV, Blockchain, Space Tourism, all are ideas someone thought about and eventually made manifest. There are several key factors to generating success from the inside out but I would suggest one of the biggest, outside of belief itself, is your bodies health. Priming your physical vessel (body) to its most optimal state will allow not only the best ideas to flow but a clear mind and focused attention to be able to intentional act and complete those ideas.

It takes work but if you're like me then finding the fastest route is your jam. Enter Viome, Customized DNA Supplements. No hard sell here just something that has changed my life, my focus, my sleep and in turn resulted in better relationships and an increase in income of over $100k.

Another key ingredient in priming your body and mind into its optimal state for creation mode is Meditation. Now I know there’s a million and one people discussing it today now thats its trending but after a decade of nearly daily meditations I’ve never found a better tool. If you’re just getting started out I would highly recommend Dr Joe Dispenza’s Book Becoming Supernatural.

Started at 21min so you can get a good sample of Dr Joe’s genius!

There’s a short list for today. We’ll catch up soon with some. For now those two things will change your life and make your Life Equation a much, much easier problem to solve!

